
June 2017 Coventry Rank Ceremony
It wasn’t easy, but eight new 1st degree black belts managed to each get a hand on the ceremonial sword to cut their cake!

Feb 2017 Coventry Rank Ceremony
Our rank ceremonies are a special time where students of all ages and rank come together, along with their families, to celebrate and congratulate one another on their achievements. White belts and orange belts sitting in the back of the Read More …

Feb 2017 High Rank Testing
The schools of Fort Wayne ATA held a combined high-rank testing on February 25, 2017. Congratulations to all!

Dec 2016 Rank Ceremony
Mrs. Beddow-Wolf tied on eight new 1st degree black belts at our December 2016 rank ceremony. That’s the most from a single testing in recent memory. Congratulations to everyone who earned a new belt!